How It’s Different
Contrary to popular belief, not all chiropractors and not all approaches to chiropractic are the same. When most people think of chiropractic, they typically think of what’s commonly known as Conventional (aka Traditional) Chiropractic, which focuses on decreasing pain, improving range of motion, and decreasing muscle spasm.
Atlas (aka Upper Cervical) Chiropractic is different. Atlas Chiropractors specifically work with the nervous system to help patients with a wide variety of secondary conditions (symptoms) that go beyond just muscle pain. They focus on correcting Atlas Displacement Complex, the root of secondary conditions. So, the goal of Atlas Chiropractic is to correct the problem at the source – a displaced Atlas vertebrae resulting in an improperly functioning nervous system.

What It Helps With
Atlas Chiropractic works to optimize the nervous system, the body’s master control system. The nervous system (brain, brainstem, spinal cord, and nerves) controls and coordinates each and every process in the body. Considering this, it’s easy to understand that problems in the nervous system can have far reaching consequences to one’s health. The most common secondary conditions often aided through specific Atlas Chiropractic care are listed below:​
Acid Reflux
Arm Pain (Upper & Lower)
Asymmetry (Ex: Low Shoulder)ï‚·
Auditory (Ear) Dysfunctionï‚·
Bell’s Palsyï‚·
Blood Pressure (High and Low)ï‚·
Bone Spursï‚·
Carpal Tunnel Syndromeï‚·
Chronic Fatigue Syndromeï‚·
Chronic Pain Syndromeï‚·
Degenerative Disc Diseaseï‚·
Degenerative Joint Diseaseï‚·
Diabetes Mellitus Type IIï‚·
Digestive Conditionsï‚·
Disc Herniation/Pinched Nervesï‚·
Gastrointestinal Issuesï‚·
Hearing Loss/Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)ï‚·
Irritable Bowel Syndromeï‚·
Knee Painï‚·
Meniere’s Diseaseï‚·
ï‚·Migraine Headaches
Multiple Sclerosisï‚·
Muscle Spasmï‚·
Neck Painï‚·
Low Back Painï‚·
Mid-Back Painï‚·
ï‚·Muscular Imbalance
Numbness/Tingling (Arms/Hands)
Nerve Impingement Syndrome (Pinched Nerve)ï‚·
Otitis Media (Ear Infections)ï‚·
Parkinson’s Diseaseï‚·
Posture-Related Issues (Including Poor Appearance)ï‚·
Shoulder/Arm Pain
Seizure Disordersï‚·
Skin Disordersï‚·
Sleep Disordersï‚·
Spinal Canal Stenosisï‚·
Sports Injuriesï‚·
Strength-Related Issues (Decreased Grip Strength)ï‚·
Thoracic Outlet Syndromeï‚·
TMJ Disorder (jaw pain/issues)ï‚·
Tourette’s Syndromeï‚·
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN)
Visual Disturbancesï‚·
How It Works
Atlas is the name given to the top bone in the spine. It serves as the foundation that the skull (and the brain within it) rests on. The nervous system (brain, brainstem, spinal cord, and nerves) controls every organ, tissue, and cell in the body. You can think of the brain like a computer and the spinal cord and nerves like wires that connect the brain to the rest of the body.
The brainstem is a unique part of the nervous system. It serves as the connection between the brain and the spinal cord, just like Atlas serves as a connection between the spine and the skull. The Atlas bone is shaped like a hollow oval, and the brainstem passes directly through the opening in the middle of it.
Atlas Displacement Complex occurs when the Atlas bone misaligns, twisting and kinking the brainstem within it. Just like a kink in a garden hose interferes with the flow of water through the hose, a kink in the brainstem interferes with the instructions the brain delivers to the body. This interference results in miscommunication within the body. If the body cannot receive the proper messages from the brain, it can’t carry out the proper functions to thrive.
Atlas Chiropractors test for the presence of Atlas Displacement Complex and come up with a plan of care to correct it, which includes gentle, instrument-based, pain-free adjustments to the Atlas that require no twisting, popping, or snapping.