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We are experiencing what can only be described as a chronic disease crisis in this country. The number of Americans with at least one chronic disease is staggering.
120 million adults have cardiovascular disease, 34 million have diabetes, 12% have thyroid problems, and 5-8% have autoimmune disorders. There are many others – Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Eczema, allergies, and the list goes on and on and on.

We also have an obesity crisis. 40% of the U.S. population is obese, 8% is severely obese, an additional 34% is overweight, and only 12% of the adult US population is considered “metabolically fit”. And now, one out of every three U.S. adults has Metabolic Syndrome, a serious condition that dramatically increases the likelihood of developing diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Metabolic Syndrome is characterized when at least 3 of the following 5 health issues are present:


  • ​​Abdominal obesity

  • High blood pressure

  • Impaired fasting glucose

  • High triglyceride levels

  • Low HDL cholesterol levels

The Cause


Inside each of our bodies, a fire is burning, and that fire is inflammation.
Inflammation is not inherently bad. It’s a vital part of the body's immune response, protecting against harmful pathogens, toxins, and injury. When the inflammatory response is appropriate and controlled, it helps to neutralize invading microbes, remove damaged cells and tissues, and initiate the healing process.

Just as blood pressure and body temperature have normal ranges, so does inflammation. If you had no inflammation at all in your body, you wouldn’t survive. The problem is that, by-and-large, we have entirely too much inflammation in our bodies. It’s like a wildfire burning out of control, and that’s the real health crisis.



The Effect


​Chronic inflammation both starts and ends in the gut.

Did you know that the gut has its own, separate nervous system? It’s called the enteric nervous system and it controls gut motility, secretions, and blood flow. Things like poor diet (including eating foods that are processed, high in refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives), certain medications, stress, infections, alcohol consumption, and environmental toxins damage the enteric nervous system and the gut, and ultimately can lead to what’s called Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Leaky Gut Syndrome occurs when the tight junctions between cells in the intestinal lining
become damaged, allowing larger molecules, such as toxins, bacteria, and undigested food
particles, to pass through into the bloodstream. This triggers an immune response. The body responds by ramping up inflammation, which can further damage the intestinal barrier and perpetuate the cycle of Leaky Gut Syndrome and chronic inflammation, creating a viscous cycle.



The Cost


The National Institute of Health published a study in 2024 stating that the estimated cost of chronic disease is expected to reach $47 trillion worldwide by 2030.

What we’re more interested in here at Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness is what it has cost our patients in their own lives. Many tell us about limitations on activities with children or grandchildren, missing time at work, having to change jobs, missing social occasions, relationship struggles, and missing out on doing the things they used to love.

Even those who haven’t been diagnosed with a chronic disease yet may simply feel their energy levels are low, have chronic aches and pains or stiffness, experience gas and bloating after meals, or have trouble focusing. Oftentimes we hear patients say they feel these things are normal due to aging, but that’s usually not the case. These issues can often be related to damage to the gut due to high inflammation levels.


The Solution


If we hope to truly heal chronic disease, we must address the issue at its root – by addressing gut-health and chronic inflammation.

At Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness, we assess the metabolic state of each of our patients as part of our comprehensive examination. We’re able to determine if any of the symptoms our patients present with are due to chronic inflammation or leaky gut syndrome.


We have several comprehensive programs consisting of dietary guidance and support as well as supplementation to get leaky gut syndrome and chronic inflammation under control, thus helping support the body in healing from many chronic diseases. These programs are personalized and specific to each patient and their specific needs, and we’re here to offer support through each and every step.


4011 GA Hwy 40 E
St. Marys, GA 31558


(912) 882-3323

© 2024 Atlas Chiropractic. All Rights Reserved.

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